A pick your own Blueberry Farm.
44 Rawson St in Uxbridge MA
*Berries are $5.00 per lb.*
*We accept debit and credit cards.*
***Updated Friday 7/26/2024 - 7:24 p.m.***
We'll Be Back Again in 2025
We have a blueberry farm, but right now would
have to go to the grocery store to find fresh
blueberries. We have no more ripe berries to
pick. Consequently, the 2024 season has come to
a close. A sincere Thank You to everyone who
visited our farm this summer and picked berries.
Your friendship and support is greatly
appreciated. We'll see you again at the field in
2025. Bill &
We do not charge an admission or entrance fee.
Pick as much or as little as you wish. Depending
on whether it's early or late in the season, we may suggest
picking in limited rows, but we do not assign
The farm provides different size containers to
use for picking, but you are certainly welcome
to bring your own if you prefer. The berries are
sold by weight, not volume.
We have 7 different varieties of berries planted
in a total of 22 rows. Listed in the order they
ripen, from early in the season until late are; Duke, Reka,
Patriot, Blueray, Bluecrop, Bluegold and
Our goal this year, as in all our previous years
is to provide a safe and friendly environment
for all ages. For those new to the
Farm, our picking season is essentially the
month of July. If the crop conditions are just
right, the picking might extend into the first
week of August. Our picking schedule is entirely
dependent on the supply of ripe berries. We keep
a close watch on the crop, and decide in the
afternoon whether or not we'll be open the
following day. This website and our Facebook
page are updated every evening with that
information. We work very hard to provide a pleasant
experience to everyone who visits the Farm. It's
not an exact science. Please keep that in mind.
"What variety produces
the sweetest berry" is a question we're often
asked. Blueberries do not develope their full
flavor as soon as they
turn blue. At that point it's best to wait
another few days to a week befor picking. Look at the
blueberries all the way around and under to be
sure they are completely blue. The more blue the
berry, the riper and sweeter it should be.
Please check this website and Facebook for daily picking information, or call the farm at 508-234-9859. We strongly recommend that you verify we are open before making
a trip down to the farm.
Mother nature and the number of customers determine how
many berries are available on any given day.
The area for our blueberry field is approx. 1 acre. We now have a total of
1025 bushes, made up of the following varieties: Duke, Reka,
Patriot, Blueray, Bluecrop, Bluegold
and Chandler.
These varieties were selected in part to extend our
picking season, since they ripen at
different times during the summer.